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Registration is closed for the 2024 cohort.
For questions or more information, please contact: Karen Martinez at (915) 246 - 8510

Empowering childcare providers who nurture the next generation

Are you ready to accelerate your business?
The United Way of El Paso County through funding from the PNC Bank and Wells Fargo, has established the Caring Homes Initiative, a cohort program that provides support to local minority-home-based childcare providers and increases access to quality early childhood education in El Paso.
Our Sponsors
This initiative is made possible to thanks to the community investment of the following partners.

Our Partners
Our United Way will work closely with community partners to provide comprehensive and specialized technical assistance and mentorship to home-based childcare businesses involved in the program.

Firms that has demonstrated they are owned (51% or more) by a minority group member who is Asian, Black, Hispanic and/or Native American.
Businesses with less than $2,000,000 in annual receipts.
Businesses that primarily operate in El Paso County or are majority owned by residents of El Paso.
Our United Way will work closely with community partners to provide comprehensive and specialized technical assistance and mentorship to home-based childcare businesses involved in the program.
We increase access to meet safety and improve child care services and quality standards of licensure as well as Texas Rising Star.
Business Development
We build business mindsets through mentorship including financial and managerial capacity of the business owner.
Access to Capital
We connect entrepreneurs with financial assistance to stabilize or grow their business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to join the cohort?
• Firms that has demonstrated they are owned (51% or more) by a minority group member who is Asian, Black, Hispanic and/or Native American.
• Businesses with less than $2,000,000 in annual receipts.
• Businesses that primarily operate in El Paso County or are majority owned by
residents of El Paso.